Nice to meet you! I’m happy you’re here!

Welcome to my website. Where you will find a collection of inspirational content and resources related to motherhood, teaching, traveling, nature and some shopping too!

Becoming a mother and traveling along this journey of motherhood has been one of the most magnificent experiences of my life and has certainly shaped much of who I am today. I have three beautiful children, two boys and one girl. Eli is our oldest, Charlee, our only daughter, is in the middle and Collin is our youngest.

From the time that I was young I looked forward to becoming a mother. I have two siblings who are 9 and 12 years younger than me and being a Junior Mom, as I liked to call myself, to them as they grew made my desire to become a mother even stronger.

Motherhood has been a journey of discoveries, trials and triumphs. Amidst the busy and the chaos of raising a family, I’ve come to realize I’ve actually learned quite a bit about myself. As our family grew and we transitioned

from the days of bottles and diapers into the toddler and school aged phases of parenthood I realized I was feeling a little bit lost. I wasn’t sure what my own interests were anymore. I wasn’t sure what my own individual passions were. This sensation of feeling lost came with frustration and guilt. I was frustrated that I couldn’t make myself snap out of what I was feeling and I felt guilty that I was struggling with, what seemed to me in the moment, such self centered thoughts. After processing some of those initial feelings I set my sights on the future and the path ahead. I realized I wasn’t alone. I realized all that I had learned about myself in the midst of raising my babies. I realized my passions, interests and desires. I found my personal path that led me to the self confidence I had been craving since my early teen years. I found such beauty in the realization that I am a mother, I love my babies unconditionally, and I am also so much more. I discovered that my passions don’t have to exist along a parallel path to my role as a mother. Instead I realized my passions and motherhood can coexist rather harmoniously most of the time. An unexpected and beautiful plot twist to my personal story has been watching and feeling our family become even closer through me pursuing my passions and pushing all the false limits I’d set for myself. Queue the birth of The B’s Business, my YouTube channel. The creation of this website. And the creation of the items within and the store itself, The B’s Business Merch Store. Motherhood is messy, amazing, scary, profound, unimaginable, and awe-inspiring. This is a big piece of my story and who I am.


When I was 16, and he was 17, my now husband, Brandon, and I began dating. Our young hearts fell for each other fast and hard. We were engaged at 18 and married at 20. He proposed to me on stage during the intermission of our senior dance recital. Yes, our, he danced too. And that evening we headed off to our senior prom. This summer we will celebrate 13 years of marriage. Of course I am biased, but our love story is my favorite.

Maybe our love story needs to be shared in a vlog. In addition to making content for my community members enjoyment and benefit, I also enjoy that much of my work at The B’s Business also serves as digital memories for my children and other family members to enjoy for years to come. I like to think that one day, many years from now, our children will share with their children, our grandchildren, our love story.

Our Love Story.

Career. Educator. Teacher.

In addition to the other roles I play, I am a 4th grade teacher. I have been teaching for 11 years. I began my career teaching in 6th grade and taught in this grade level for 9 years, before switching to 4th grade. Life in the classroom is an amazing, yet challenging experience. For now I’m going to refrain from hopping on my soapbox and sharing all of my thoughts on how the world of education can improve for students and teachers alike. What I will say in this space is that guiding young minds as they grow and develop is, simply put, beautiful. It’s also exhausting! There are a wide variety of emotions and feelings that come with being a teacher in the 21st century. I love so much of what I do and that is where I try to focus my energy. That experience that everyone talks so much about when a student has that “aha!” moment and you can tell by the look in their eyes … yeah, it’s everything everyone says it is and more. The sweet, simple ways that students find to celebrate you because you’ve made a difference in their lives, an appreciation note, a drawing, a piece of your favorite candy, they’re magical. This career path is complex and some days, completely defeating. But the heart of this career, the children, are vibrant, unique and fantastic. And they’re the reason teachers like myself keep showing up and putting their best efforts in day after day.


Our family is adventurous. We love exploring in nature. We are animal lovers. We appreciate plants. We enjoy scenic views and the four seasons that we get to experience each year in Maine.

If time and resources allowed, we’d be happy to travel far and wide and explore the lands near and far on this Earth. Our current focus is on thoroughly exploring our own state. When we decided to make Sundays our Family Adventure Day I had no idea the number of incredible locations we’d learn about and be able to visit, right here in Maine. We’ve created a list of mostly Maine locations, as well as a few other locations in New England, that we hope to explore over the coming months. Just as we check one place off the list, we find another two or three to add! Maine has no shortage of nature based opportunities.

There is also a little island in Florida that has a piece of our hearts too, where we visit yearly. I began visiting this island when I was 8 years old and visited every summer after that until my young adult years when I missed a few summers. But now that our children are a bit older, we have resumed visiting every summer again. This island is a second home to me and where a few very special members of my family live year round. Brandon began visiting this island with me shortly after we began dating and he’s pretty in love with this gem of a location now too. We aspire to own a little piece of this amazing place one day in our future.

We love to travel and explore. But we also LOVE our home. We seem to have found a pretty good balance over the last year with quenching our thirst to explore, while also soaking in time in our home that we love and work hard to care for. Exploring our very own state has and continues to be a fantastic quest. Adding in explorations in a few other states now and again is like adding sprinkles to your favorite ice cream.

Travel vlogs are something you can count on finding at The B’s Business!

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson