You are enough.

Brittney Bechard

Launching a Dream

An unlikely combination of a variety of emotions and events over the course of a few years ultimately led to the birth of my YouTube channel: B R I T T N E Y _ B. The final push that I needed to hit that publish button came in the form of an introduction to iMovie course that I took during the summer of 2022. What started out as a necessary next step to meet the qualifications to recertify my teaching certificate, led to this journey of self discovery, self acceptance and the feeling of fulfillment. The knowledge I gained through this course and the positive feedback I received from my professor helped me suppress feelings of self doubt and rekindled my desire to launch my own YouTube channel. I would love for you to join our growing community on my channel: B R I T T N E Y _ B.

You are enough. Much love.


The B’s Business Merch Store

A few months into my journey as a self proclaimed content creator, my desire to create had not diminished. Not even a little. I was reminded that the ways in which one can be creative and express themselves are endless and I was just discovering the tip of my own personal creative iceberg. It is through this stage of my journey that I chose to launch The B’s Business digital storefront. Official merch of The B’s Business is available at this storefront, as well as a variety of other designs created by me and inspired by my passions in life, including nature, traveling, teaching and motherhood. You’ll find a variety of items available including t-shirts, both crewneck and hooded sweatshirts, travel mugs and more. Available items and designs rotate on a regular basis.


Follow my journey.